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Replacement Windows

Your Guide to Choosing the Best Windows for Cold Weather

5 min read

When buying, building or renovating a home in a cold climate like Connecticut or the broader Northeast, it’s important to consider your home’s comfort during the colder months. One crucial yet often overlooked element is your choice of windows.

In cold climates, selecting the right windows can significantly enhance your home’s comfort and reduce your monthly energy bills. In this guide, we’ll explore what to look for and how to choose the best windows for cold weather to ensure your home stays cozy and energy-efficient year-round.

Why Do Windows Matter in Cold Climates?

When you live in a northern state, choosing the right windows for your home can make a huge difference in your home’s comfort level and your energy bills. 

Northeastern home with off-white siding covered in snow

Windows that aren’t equipped for cold climates can’t properly keep heat in and cold air out. This means your HVAC system has to work harder, making it difficult to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Since your heater has to work harder, your energy bills will be higher than they should be. 

Basically, energy efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to choosing windows for colder climates. The more energy efficient your windows are, the more comfortable your home will be and the more money you’ll save each month.

How to Choose The Best Windows for Cold Weather?

Windows have two essential components: the window pane and the frame. When choosing windows for cold climates, it’s crucial to consider both parts carefully. The window pane should offer excellent insulation to prevent heat loss, while the frame needs to be durable and capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions. By thoroughly evaluating the durability and insulation features of both the window and the frame, you ensure that your choice will not only endure cold conditions but also enhance your home’s energy efficiency.

What Are the Ideal Window Frames for Cold Climates?

First, let’s talk about the frame. The window frame is often where the most heat escapes, so it’s important to make sure they’re in good condition and made of the right material. There are three parts of the frame that air usually escapes from: the sash, the sill, and the perimeter.

The sash is the portion of the window that fits inside the frame and moves up and down (or side to side). On double-hung windows, there are two sashes that move. Most of us are familiar with the window sill, the bottom part of the window. And as you may be able to guess, the perimeter runs the entire edge of the window. All of these are areas where air can seep in or out, so it’s important to ensure your window frame is made of the right material and properly installed. Although no window frame can ever be 100% airtight, there shouldn’t be a noticeable amount of cold air coming in.

For cold climates, you’ll want to choose windows that have wood, vinyl, fiberglass, or composite frames. Wood with vinyl cladding is ideal since it will hold heat best and the vinyl will protect the wood. Vinyl and fiberglass frames are also great, but fiberglass can be more expensive than vinyl and wood. Whatever material you choose, skip the aluminum window frames. Since aluminum doesn’t hold heat very well, it’s the worst choice for cold climates.

Ensuring that the spaces around your windows are properly sealed and caulked is crucial for energy efficiency and comfort. The best way to guarantee this is by entrusting the installation to trained professionals, who bring expertise and precision to the process.

What Type of Glass Is Best for Cold Weather Windows?

When it comes to the window itself, avoid single-pane windows. These don’t hold in heat well enough for northern climates.

Instead, homeowners in cold climates should opt for double or triple-pane windows made from low-E glass. Low-E glass has been treated with a thin, metallic coating designed to filter certain types of light into your home. In winter, this allows sunlight in to help keep your home warm. 

Double and triple-pane windows can be insulated with argon or krypton, both of which are dense gasses, making them a better insulator than air. At Window World of Connecticut, we use argon. It is an odorless, nonreactive gas that is extremely high density and low thermal conductivity. All of this results in superior insulation for year-round comfort.

What Energy Ratings Should You Look for When Choosing Windows for Cold Climates?

Choose windows with a very low U-factor and a relatively high solar-gain coefficient (SHGC), especially if you live in a climate with cold winters like New England.

US climate map for U factor

U-factor and SHGC are energy performance ratings that measure a variety of factors. Here is what these mean and what to look for when you’re shopping for new windows:

Find the Perfect Cold Weather Windows at Window World of Connecticut 

At Window World of Connecticut, we’ve helped hundreds of homeowners upgrade to more energy efficient, climate-appropriate windows. If you’re ready to save on your electric bills, request an appointment online for a free in-home or virtual estimate.

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